Embarrassing Grammar Mistakes That Students Should Stop! (with 1 Free Tip)

When someone makes a grammatical mistake, do you question their intelligence? It is the most common assumption that everyone makes. Like it or not but words, spelling & punctuation are very powerful while writing any kind of paper. But even the most educated people somewhere intentionally or unintentionally make common writing and speaking mistakes. So, not to be a fool in front of other people, you can try the free grammar checker tool & get rid of all the errors in the paper. But wait before knowing about this tool, let’s understand all the embarrassing mistakes you need to stop right now.

It is a guarantee that after reading this article, you will either learn something new or know the biggest mistakes you often make while writing the document.

  1. First Come, First Serve

What mistake did you see in the idiom? Can’t find it? Let’s know, is missing in the “first come, first serve statement. If you do not write d in the end, it means who will arrive first will be served to all. It is not at all what this idiom says.

  1. Irregardless

Is this actually a word? No, not at all. The proper text is regardless. If you use the word “irregardless”, you would only look silly in front of others. So, make sure to remove all the unwanted words & that does not exist in any kind of dictionary. It will help you to write the correct grammar in the paper.

  1. “I” as the Last Word? No!

This mistake is so common among students. For example: “Carin talked with I”. Did you not feel awkward after reading this sentence. Instead of using I at the end of the sentence, you can address yourself by using “me”. It would really help you to make your sentence look decent and clear.

  1. Too Many Prepositional Phrases

The prepositional words are those, which are often used before nouns and pronouns to show direction, place, and time. You should not use more than 2 prepositional as this will make the sentences wordy. So, simplify it whenever it is possible.

Also Check: Online Assignment Help

  1. Ambiguous Modifiers

It is called misplaced modifiers because of its location in a sentence. It can modify the phrase that moves further with it or one that follows it. For example, listening to loud music slowly gives me a headache; this sentence is incorrect. So, tell which word you would replace to correct the sentence. Obviously, slowly, as listening to slow music or slowly getting a headache. You can now quickly identify what mistake this sentence has and how you can modify it with ambiguity.

  • Free Tip– If you are still unable to correct grammatical mistakes, you should try the free grammar checker It will help you to identify all the errors with the suggestions. Also, it is easy to use as it supports multiple languages. So, you can try out this tool along with a free essay typer tool and have an error-free paper.

These are the mistakes that you need to avoid for any grammatical errors in the paper. Also, with the tip, you can use a free grammar checker to have a flawless document without any doubt.

Nervous About Submitting a Top-Quality Dissertation? Avail Instant Help!

A dissertation or thesis is arguably one of the most challenging kinds of academic work that students in Australia have to deal with. Most masters and Ph.D. programs that students in the university pursue require them to write a dissertation at the end of the course. It is a part which many students dread, as they are aware of the struggle that goes into preparing such extensive academic work. Writing a good dissertation requires students to perform painstaking research. They also need to have appropriate writing skills to convey their point to the reader. If writing the dissertation is getting too overwhelming for you, the best option is to avail of professional dissertation writing services help. The writers will be glad to assist you in your academic journey.

How Can You Submit a High-Quality Dissertation?

You will not hesitate to reach out for professional help after reading about the various benefits that you can get from them.

#1. No Fear of Deadline

Many students in Australia fear dissertation the deadline. They have so many things going on that they cannot prepare their academic work within the deadline. When you reach out for a dissertation writer, you can get your dissertation prepared much faster. Thus, you won’t have to miss your deadline ever. The experts know the right way of developing a dissertation. Hence, they are efficient in this process.

#2. High Skilled Writers 

Don’t think that the dissertation services will offer you low-quality work. On the contrary, you will get a perfect dissertation that will take no time to get approved. Its because the writers who create dissertations are very knowledgeable about their discipline. They have the requisite subject knowledge and experience that is needed to prepare an excellent paper. Moreover, they have been preparing academic works for various students for years. Therefore, you can confidently rely on their expertise.

#3. Get Help 24/7

If you ever thought that you could not avail of professional help services, it’s time to change this thinking. The Australian assignment help experts know that students are always constrained for time. Hence, they will gladly answer your query anytime you want. So, you shouldn’t think that there’s only a particular time when you can contact the writing services. Instead, get your academic life on the track to success by reaching out to professionals.

#4. Budget-Friendly Services for Students

Are you hesitating to reach out for professional help because of the fear that they will demand high prices from you? Do you think that a custom-written dissertation is way beyond your budget? Well, the writing services will provide you with a well-written paper at very affordable rates. Furthermore, you will be pleasantly surprised at the quality of the work you receive at such a low price.

#5. No Plagiarism in Your Content

Do not fear the presence of plagiarism in your dissertation. Professional writers are very much aware of the consequences of plagiarised work. Therefore, they take every measure to ensure that you receive a fully authentic and unique paper by citing all the sources so that your work becomes credible.

Also Check: Plagiarism Checker Free

That’s it! Now, you know all the benefits that you can reap by seeking expert help. It’s time to contact them today.

Summary: Students pursuing different disciplines in the universities in Australia are required to compose a dissertation at the end of the course. The article outlines the benefits of availing of professional dissertation help.

7 Parameters to Check Your Statistics Essay Conclusion Is Perfect or Not

An essay includes several parts, and every part has importance. But, still, many students give importance to only a few parts. The conclusion is often ignored. But you should not ignore it at all if your essay is about statistics subject. Many students have to seek statistics essay help when they can’t secure amazing marks due to silly mistakes. If you also have an essay on this subject, you will have to take care of several points.

One of them is writing the best conclusion. But if the subject is statistics, it’s not that easy to write it. But securing amazing marks is possible when you check whether you have written the conclusion properly or not. How will you check it?

The answer is, you will have to use 7 parameters to check whether the conclusion is correct or not. Let’s know them below. 

  1. Re-Statement of Main Topic: You have already written the essay and stated all the points in it. But you will have to restate the crucial points again. The reader doesn’t have to scroll up to the paper to check what was the topic. So, make sure your conclusion includes the restatement of the main topic.  
  1. Applicable Results: When students seek online essay writing help, the professionals offer applicable solutions for the problem. But when students write themselves, they often miss out on this point. You should not make such a mistake. Whenever you write a conclusion, provide practical results so that people can implement them.  
  1. Summary of Results: You have to provide solutions to the problems in the essay. But you don’t have to write all the solutions in the conclusion. You only have to write a summary of the results. Since the conclusion should be concise and smaller than the body, you should keep the word limit in mind. By doing so, you can write a proper summary of the results. 
  1. Example of a Comprehensive Report: You have to include many examples in the essay. But you can’t use all of them in the conclusion. You have to analyze which example is informative and has more essence of your main topic. After this, include that example in your conclusion of the essay. If this is from a well-known report, you can fetch more marks. 
  1. Reasonable Relation Based on Data: You should not just put the data in the conclusion anyhow. It will reduce the readability level of the essay. You should check whether there is reasonable relation between the data or not. Proper flow of the information with accurate evidence will make the conclusion lucid. 
  1. Showcase Vital Facts: Although the conclusion doesn’t offer much space to include all the vital facts, you should at least add on some in it. It will help to make the end informative and strengthen the arguments. 
  1. Strong Ending Lines: Check, do your essay conclusion has strong ending lines or not. If it doesn’t end impressively, you should re-write the lines. The reader must feel satisfied when he leaves the paper or at the last stage to finish reading.

If you find all these points in your conclusion of the essay, you can be sure of the good marks. If you can’t write properly, you can seek statistics essay help from expert writers.

10 Effective Tips To Reduce Website Load Time

Website Speed Optimization

Website speed optimization is a tactic to improve website load time. In addition, website speed optimization impacts users’ experience, traffic, and search rankings. In short, we can say that it’s an important aspect of SEO strategy.

Website speed optimization is an important factor. It boasts on-site conversions and SEO because uses find faster loading sites appealing. Users want fast-loading sites. If they didn’t get them, they would abandon the site. According to Google, the possibility of bounce rate is by:

  • 32% if the site load within 1-3 seconds
  • 90% if the site load within 1-5 seconds
  • 106% if the site load within 1-6 seconds
  • 123% if the site load within 1-10 seconds

As Google has declared, website speed optimization is how a site ranks on the search engines. If the user bounces off a site, then all the high-quality content is null. Moreover, if bouncing rates increases, that can impact the search engine negatively. Search engine always chooses the content that offers a better user experience. So to appeal to search engines, it’s essential to incorporate a page speed SEO strategy.

 12 Effective Tips to Reduce Website Load Time

It’s best to determine the current loading time and the reason behind site slowness before website speed optimization. Then you can set the website performance goal. According to the website maintenance service,2 Seconds is the peak Load Time.

By optimizing website load time, you will get a significant ranking advantage over the competitors. As mentioned above, determine the performance before page speed optimization. There are many tools available in the market to evaluate performance. Such as:

  • Google Pagespeed Insight: it is a free tool from Google that runs a performance test on your site. Moreover, it offers tips on how to increase performance. It works for both desktop and mobile versions.
  • Pingdom: it’s a great tool for website speed testing. It has different features such as; it tracks the website performance history. It also makes data-driven suggestions on how to improve website speed. It generates easy and understandable reports. Pingdom also offers apps for website speed testing for Android and iOS. It has free and paid monitoring plans.
  • YSlow: it is also one of the best performance evaluation tools. It provides suggestions on how to improve website load time. Moreover, it draws statistics and summarizes all the components.
  • Performance Budget Calculator: it’s a free tool that many designers choose to evaluate a site’s performance. It figures out what content you should use to keep your site running optimally.

Guidelines to speed up your website

There are tons of factors that influence website load time. Here are several tips according to Custom Website Design Services In USA Designers you can use to speed up your website and improve user experience.

Implement a content delivery network (CDN).

Implementing a content delivery network is a great way to decrease website load time. A survey says that a website’s static files, such as CSS or JavaScript, are delivered from the server nearest to the user’s location. Usually, when a consumer clicks on a video, the file loads faster since it is assigned from a server nearby. Therefore, larger websites implement CDNs to ensure that the audience has a great accessible and fast experience.

Use adaptive images.

According to the HTTP records, using adaptive images can affect website load time. 61% of a website’s page weight on a desktop computer is images. Using tools like Picturefill or Adaptive Images on the website increases page speed for the site. Another solution is to apply new image formats like WebP and JPeg XR. It can help reduce image weight by 20-50% without decreasing image quality.


Browser caching is the process that stores the current version of the website on the hosting. And then presents that version until the web page is loading. It is a great way to influence website load time positively and decreases server lag. Its means that the web page doesn’t have to render over and over again for every consumer. Cached web pages don’t require sending database requests every time. When many users try to access the page simultaneously, servers slow down and require more time to deliver the web page.

Evaluate your plugins.

The plugin is software that adds a specific feature to an existing computer program. When a program supports plugins, it offers customization.

The plugin is one of the factors that influence the website load time. The more plugins a website has, the longer it takes to load. Flawed or poor plugins can slow down website performance. It can be fixed by removing plugins.

Combine images into CSS sprites.

If the server has many images on a page, it generates multiple server requests. Moreover, it negatively affects the website load time.  Sprites are the solution that combines all the images in a single image. It means all photos are visible when the main “sprite” loads. This process decreases the flickering images. It also provides a better user experience for the users.

Enable HTTP keep-alive response headers.

HTTP requests are easy. It usually grabs a single file, distributes, and closes. But, this process is not always fast. Keep-alive allows the web browser and server to utilize the same connection to receive and send multiple files. In simpler words, the server holds the link open while a user is on the site instead of opening a new connection with every request, easing the load for the processor, network, and memory.

Compress your content.

Compressing is another effective tip to reduce website load time. You can compress your content to enhance the website’s performance. Many web servers, for instance, Apache and IIS, utilize the GZIP compression algorithm to do HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. There are even compressor services available online that are beneficial. For example, it removes unnecessary spaces and characters across your HTML and CSS code.

Configure expires headers

When a customer visits the website, the site files are stored on their computer to load faster for the next time they visit. The expiration date in the file header decides the period of the files on their desktop. It is frequently set to 24 hours by default. You can set up the expired title so that the files never time out. Even you can increase the expiration date to impact your server and website load time.

Minify JavaScript and CSS.

Minify the javascript and CSS can impact website load time. Minifying the javascript and CSS file means the removal of unnecessary characters in the code. Thus, it reduces the file size and helps in the faster loading of the website. For example, removing additional lines breaks extra space and different stuff that impacts website load time. There are many tools available in the market that help in minifying CSS and javascript. Toolset like CSS Minifier/Compressor is useful in this kind of department.

Move Your Website to a New WordPress solution.

A new hosting package is also an effective tip to reduce website load time.

A new WordPress solution is released. It is designed to provide the industry’s best-managed WordPress solution. And it aims at boosting client website speeds.


These are some tips that can reduce website load time. By following this, you can increase the page speed of your site effectively. I hope you like the article and found it useful.

OMG!! Best Homework Tips from Toppers Got Leaked [Helpful Bonus Included]

“Uff! This homework is going to kill me one day.” This thought is developing in many students’ minds. And due to this, they seek the best homework help from the experts. But many are there who want to do their paper on their own and be topper in the class. It becomes frustrating when your friend is coming on the top, then why can’t you. So, if you too think of this thought, this article is just perfect for you. Here you will get the best tips that have leaked from the toppers.

Here are the best homework tips from toppers that got leaked:

Tip No 1: Peaceful Surroundings – The first tip is to search for a quiet environment. This will help you to concentrate on the writing to have wonderful homework. So, make sure that the place you choose is comfortable. Also, there should be no disturbance to writing with focus.

Tip No 2: Get the Supplies in Order – Before starting the homework, make sure you collect all the products needed for the writing. It will help you concentrate on the work and not get distracted by getting things in between the homework. So, it is necessary to gather all the resources beforehand.

Tip No 3: Make a Time-Table – The third tip is to create a schedule. This will help you to complete the work on time. Also, you will be able to have an amazing paper before the deadline. But remember, after making the timetable, you should follow it strictly. Otherwise, it won’t be possible for you to finish it.

Tip No. 4: Defeat the Timer – Your homework should be complete before the time you have set for every task. It will help you to complete the paper before the deadline arrives. So, make sure you defeat the timer and get your work done fast.

Tip No. 5: Ask for Assistance – One more thing you can do to become a topper is ask for the best homework help from experts. Many times it happens, you get stuck while doing the homework. At that time, you should ask your peers to help you with the problem.

Bonus: Have a Reward System – Wait, there is one extra tip for you, having a reward system after every task. It will help you to get the work done fast with motivation. So, make sure you reward yourself with your favorite things.

Also Check: Assignment Help Coupon Codes

These are the best homework tips that you should follow to become the topper of the class. Also, with these tips, you can impress your professor for writing the perfect homework. So, whenever you need to do the paper significantly, you can use these tips to write it without any second thought. Also, you will be able to complete the tasks fast. But if you are still unable to write the paper, you can take best homework help from the experts. So, what are you waiting for? Go and grab the opportunity to become the topper of the class.

7 Steps to Find the Best Engineering Assignment Topic & Vanish Rejection Fear

Many students find it hard to write the higher level of assignments as it requires a better understanding of language and tone. It can be challenging to find unique and more credible topics for academic writing. That’s why students seek online engineering assignment help from experts. Such writers have vast knowledge and excellent writing skills that help them create exceptional quality work to impress the mentor and achieve an A+ grade in the finals.

Every year thousands of students seek help with assignments with these experts no matter what subject and task they want. These experts have solutions for all as every writer has expertise in a specific discipline to provide easy answers to the students. You can get a formal tone, better quality writing style, and unbeatable vocabulary use in your paper that you can’t get anywhere else but only with these writers.

Still, some students try to draft high-quality work themselves but seek advice and tips from professional writers. That’s why here are the best engineering assignment experts with 7 steps that can be helpful for many students to find the best topic for their academic paper without delay.

7 Steps to Find the Best Engineering Assignment Topic!

7 Steps that can be helpful for Aussie students to find the best engineering assignment topics are as follows:

  1. Look Around You for Ideas

You have to search in your coursebooks to find a topic around what you have already attained some knowledge of. Your professor’s lecture is the key to finding the best research idea without obstacles. Hence, look into the notes and try to come up with at least two themes.

  1. Avoid Over Used Topics

You can not use the same topic again & again. No matter you or any other author have used it before, you should not use a repetitive idea for your writing.

  1. Read General Background Information

You should read and gather information around the background that can be helpful for you to decide on a particular theme you can research on. Such data can play a crucial role in your writing and can be beneficial in successful research.

  1. Remain Focused on Your Topic

You need to stick to your focus requirements. Read and understand the guidelines shared by your professors to collect a list of key points that you will find for your research idea.

  1. Make a List of Useful Keywords

You should create a list of keywords that can be helpful for you to collect and understand what fundamental topics and information you can include in your writing.

  1. Define Your Topic as a Focused Research Question

You should narrow down your theme as a topic question for your assignment around which your research will evolve. Your idea problem should encourage your readers to read and know more about what you are finding, how you will find it, and what you get in the last.

  1. Formulate a Thesis Statement

Always add on a thesis statement to be placed after the introduction section. This will help your professor to understand what you are intended to research for in your assignment.

Above are the various steps that can be helpful for you to determine the best topic and vanish your rejection fear. Also, you can reach the online engineering assignment help if you don’t find the best idea for your research and writing. I hope, you will find this article beneficial for your topic section and fade away from the fear of rejection.

How Grammar Checker Can be the Best Option for Analyzing Assignment Errors?

It becomes very tough for the students to detect their mistakes in their own assignments. And due to this, they lose their marks. Mostly they do mistakes in grammar, spelling, and sentence formation. But there is a solution through which they can analyze their mistakes easily. Do you also want to know how? For that, you have to read this article further.

The solution to your query is using the assignment grammar checker tool. It can help you reach the top in the class by providing a flawless assignment to the professor. Also, you can easily come into the good books of the professor without any worry. So, let’s know how this tool will give you a pat on your back.

  • Auto Suggestions– The tool provides suggestions for your mistakes. Instead of using the wrong word, you can use the right work given in the suggestion box. So, when you are presenting the document in the tool, you do not have to worry about mistakes as it will suggestions and rectify it.
  • 100% Accuracy– If you are thinking that an online tool will not provide 100% accuracy, you are wrong. This tool will provide an accurate result to analyze the mistakes without any doubt. So, you do not have to worry about the accuracy of the tool.

Also Check: Assignment Help Offers

  • Easier to Use– Many students think that using a grammar checker tool is very hard. But you just need to copy and paste the content, click on Grammar checker, mistakes are highlighted, also you can easily rectify the errors shown in the paper.
  • Highlighted Errors– All the errors are highlighted, including the grammar, spelling, and sentence formation. Every mistake has been underlined in this tool with suggestions. So, you do not have to worry about the mistake you would do while writing the paper. Also, it will help you to present flawless documents.
  • Time-Effective– You must be thinking, detecting mistakes needs time. So, you might think that this tool takes time to detect errors. But you are wrong. This tool will analyze all your mistakes within a minute. You do not have to wait for a longer time to get the errors in the document.

Now, you must have got the answer that the tool is the best among all. You can surely use an assignment grammar checker to find all the mistakes and rectify them before presenting the paper to the professor. Also, you can check the rephrase tool if you are in need of paraphrase. If you are wondering where to find this tool, you can go to the website of Global Assignment Help. In, this, the tool is free till an extended word limit and, it supports multiple languages without any worry. So, no matter in which language your content is, it will detect all the mistakes. What are you waiting for? Go and check your content right now and get a flawless paper to impress your professor. Also, you can get high marks in the class after using this tool.

How to Conduct a Solid Marketing Research? Learn From Assignment Helpers

Marketing research is the process of accumulating the necessary information required to sell a product. It helps the students to learn the specific traits of the market, which increases the profit of the company. Students in Australia get the task of writing marketing research. They generally take marketing assignment help from academic experts to release the load of working on a hectic task. The experts always provide unique and perfect marketing research. You can also do the same by following the essential tips given by the marketing experts. Go through the following steps and learn how to carry on with specific marketing research-

1. Find the Problem-

The initiation of the research will take place by identifying the main obstacle(the main reason for the problem). The root cause of the entire query helps the researchers to frame various observations and plans. Later, they form objectives and steps to remove the work problem permanently.

2. Make a Research Statement-

Write the objectives framed in the first step in the form of a research statement. It consists of a brief description of your research that generates an idea in the mind of readers regarding the content.

3. Create a Research Plan-

The research plan involves the methods required to gather the necessary information to start working on the solution. A good plan makes it easy to come up with an impactful solution. It can leave a significant effect on the profit chart after the complete removal of the issue.

4. Form a Sample-

A sample is a process that helps to derive the conclusion for the numerous products encircled with the problem. It is a crucial step of market research that needs the good analytical power of the researcher.

5. Collect the Data-

After outlining all the requirements, it is time to start accumulating the data. Data collection is the lengthiest process in marketing research. It takes time to collect shreds of evidence from various sources. The data collection is of two types- the first is primary data that gets extracted from the origin of the problem that is within the company. Another is the secondary data, which gets collected from external resources like blogs, magazines, stories, etc. 

6. Find the Patterns-

The data collected from different sources must be arranged in an organized manner. The experts of the assignment help Adelaide start analyzing the data and pick out the most relevant points, to sum up, the research. It helps them to discover the patterns that are going the wrong way. They use excellent quality management skills to provide the best reviews for erasing the false patterns and make the product profitable.

7. Conclude the Content-

At last, the report gets concluded by mentioning the findings and summarizing every point. The academic writers use compelling statements to write the conclusion. It should attract the professors so that the student gets maximum marks for the work.

Final Takeaway-

The above steps are the compendium of writing the best research given by marketing assignment help experts. Many students in Australia are already getting the best results after following the above points in their assignments. You can also rock your marketing assignment with these steps by experts. So, start working on it without wasting a minute. Good luck!

Stage Model Theory- Structure Your Assignment Like a Pro!

Which part of your assignment is most crucial? Most of you would answer differently. It is because the difficulty level of the paper is also considered different by various students. But do you know, what is the most crucial part so if students ignore it, the paper can become difficult? It is the structure of the paper. Some students who can’t deal with this problem take assignment help Melbourne service. But if you have plans to write on your own, you must be ready to structure the paper effectively.

Stage model theory can help in the same. You may have not heard the name of this theory, but it helps develop a perfect structure. Let’s know about it in the below section.

What Is Stage Model Theory? 

As the name implies, it is related to stages of writing. You can organize ideas effectively with the help of this theory. Like most of the time, you get stuck to prepare a perfect structure of the essay henceforth you will not have to worry about it. Stage model theory can help you.

It has 4 steps to develop a proper structure. Let’s know the steps below, and also understand how you can use them.  

4 Steps of Stage Model Theory 

  • Planning: What do you want to structure, why the information is necessary, and how many points you are going to include in the paper? You must be aware of all of them. It is because this awareness helps to create a plan. Planning is a must, and without it, you can’t come up with the perfect structure. 
  • Pre-writing: When you are done with planning, then start writing. It will make you aware of the flaws in the structure. In case you have made some mistakes, after structuring, you will know about it at the end. It can prove disastrous. So, you should check the plan at the initial level by writing. It will make you sure whether it is perfect or not. 
  • Drafting: Now comes the vital part ‘Drafting’. You have to draft all the points that you collected through research. But make sure you define their scopes and flows. When students ignore this part, they fail to prepare a perfect structure. 
  • Revising: Now it comes to revising the structure. If you have made any mistake while developing it, you can now remove it by revising it. Make sure you check all the points clearly to be sure of the perfect structure.

It is all about preparing structure with the help of Stage model theory. You can now create a proper structure for your assignment. In case still, you can’t prepare a perfect structure, you can take assignment help Melbourne service. Many professional writers offer high-quality papers at low prices. You can easily find them by browsing the best writing service providers on a search engine. You will have to register and choose a writer for your paper to seek help.

No More Negative Assignment Remarks! Hamilton Experts Found 8 Facets to Help

It can be hard to find the aspects that can be responsible for getting negative remarks in the academic papers. But with the assignment help Hamilton experts, you can get the best solution. These professionals have vast knowledge around various subjects and better quality writing that makes their paper impressive and help students achieve an A+ grade without hassle. They can offer the best deals that will be helpful for you to save some extra every time you order an assignment.

Still, some students try to draft their own papers but seek advice from professionals. That’s why the assignment help experts of Hamilton are here with 8 elements that can be helpful for you to get positive remarks on paper and no more negative comments.

8 Facets to Help Students Get No Negative Assignment Remarks!

8 facets that will be helpful for you to get more positive remarks and less negative comments.

  1. Wordiness: You should avoid writing wordy sentences. For good quality academic writing, you have to write short and crisp sentences that can reflect the exact same meaning and convey your message correctly. So, do remember to avoid wordiness.
  1. Unclear Thesis: You need to concentrate on the thesis statement. It is a very crucial part of your essay. Draft the best quality introduction section and add a clear thesis as the 2-4 lines at the end of the segments.
  1. Sloppy Chronology: You should concentrate on chronology. It means that write all the events and dates are in the order of their occurrence. Share every detail point to point and in the correct form. It will help you to maintain a proper flow and connectivity between the complete text.
  1. Inappropriate Sources: You must know that citing improper sources can be harmful to you & grading. Wrong or incorrect citations can be a reason for plagiarism detection in your paper. So, provide a specific reference list with all the resources that you have used in your research.
  1. Uncritically Evidence Use: You should make sure that every detail you use in your paper is credible. Research and recheck the data several times to ensure that every fact and evidence added to your assignment is used critically.
  1. Anachronistic Moralizing: You need to focus on the anachronistic, as subjects, like history, require complete concentration on them. Persons, events, objects, language terms, and customs that are not in their correct historical or chronological time can be a reason to be remarked negatively by the professor. So, recheck this point every time.
  1. Excessive or Improper Quotes: You should maintain the number of quotes you will add to your paper. Writing unnecessary quotes is not accurate. So, keep your count on how many you need. Writing improper quotes that don’t relate to the information you provide can be another reason to get a negative mark. So, use a quotation mark every time you use one in your writing.
  1. Unsupported Generalizations: You may use a general statement in your writing that does not have a specific fact to back it will be a vague statement and an empty unsupported generalization. So, keep your information correct and credible.

    Also Check: Write My Essay Online 

Above are the various facets that can be helpful for you to draft the best quality assignments and get more positive remarks than negative comments. Also, you can reach the online Assignment Help Hamilton writers for such writing type in your documents. Hope, you will find this article beneficial to say bye-bye to all negative comments in your academic writing.