Julie Oyoo

Julie Oyoo, a Kenyan, is a graduate student at the University of Prince Edward Island, pursuing a Masters program in Nutrition under the Queen Elizabeth Scholarship. She holds a BSc. Degree in Food Nutrition and Dietetics from Kenyatta University in Kenya.

julie oyoo

She has worked as a nutritionist in Homa-bay County, Kenya, since 2015. Over the years, the yearning to contribute to sustainable solutions on challenges of poor nutrition and hunger in public primary schools has been her greatest desire. It’s with this desire that she applied for the Queen Elizabeth Scholarship.  As she learns, she hopes to transfer knowledge to Kenya and other developing nations.

Her Masters Research Project, under the supervision of Dr. Jennifer Taylor, will be assessing the effect of food-based nutrition education on knowledge, attitudes, and dietary behaviors of school-age children in Meru, Kenya: through a quasi-experimental study. The study findings will contribute to the existing body of nutrition knowledge and guide policy development.