A Useful Guide to Writing an Essay Outline!

In some cases, students are asked to submit their essay plan or outline before the actual essay. Even if it is not asked, it is always good to prepare an outline for your essay. An essay outline is a framework that defines the various sections which you will include in the write-up. You can write a few words or phrases which will identify the information to be included in a particular section.

Outline eases out the writing process and gives you the right direction. You can seek help online about the outline or ask someone ‘write my essay online to get a better idea about it. In this article, you will find a guide to writing your essay outline effectively.

Advantages of Writing Essay Outline

  1. Defines the logical structure – The outline helps you know about the logical flow of information in the essay. It defines the sections and subsections clearly.
  2. Organise your research – Based on the logical flow of information, you can easily organize your data before writing. You can filter the ideas and analyze if you are able to clearly define your thesis statement and conclusion on the basis of it.

Steps to Create Essay Outline

  1. Research – The first and most crucial step that will decide your essay’s quality is research. You must conduct exhaustive research about the topic and leave no stone unturned. Look at the research paper, library, and online sources and find out the most relevant information. Make sure you take the information from the most reliable sources.
  2. Find out essay goal – Determine the core idea of your research and what you want to achieve from it. Writing your goal in the outline will help you stay focussed throughout essay writing.
  3. Write down the thesis statement – While writing the essay outline itself, you must pen down the broad concept of your paper in the form of a thesis statement. It should be completely original and not more than two to three sentences long.
  4. Define sub-topics – Here, you have to decide on various study topics which you wish to touch on in your essay. Then, make a rough draft covering all the points.
  5. Organise your thoughts – Once you have all the information and the sub-topics, you can organize them logically. You can also write in brief so that you can remember what you have planned while writing.

Tips for essay outline

  1. You must always keep the purpose of your essay writing in mind. Recognize what you want your reader to feel about your essay.
  2. Always read the instructions given with the assignment, including formatting guidelines, word limit, deadline, etc.
  3. Write the essay while keeping the target audience in mind. The tone of writing should be as per the reading audience.
  4. Always revise the paper once you have finished writing. It helps to detect errors that you might have left.

Outlining is an important part of essay writing and should never be missed. You can use the above guide to create a compelling outline and write a good essay.

Summary: This article covers the various aspects of writing an essay outline. It provides necessary steps and tips to the students to draft the outline of their essay.

How to Use IEEE Citation and Referencing Style for Thesis?

A student needs to submit a thesis to complete his academic degree or professional qualification. It comprises a student’s original research and findings on an original topic. The statement or theory which is put forward in the thesis needs to be proved based on arguments and evidence.

All papers need to be properly referenced in order to save them from plagiarism. Referencing refers to citing the sources for the information taken directly from an author in the paper. Referencing is a crucial part of any thesis without which it is incomplete. Almost all papers are required to have references, or they are rejected. Students who don’t know how to do it take thesis help.

There are various referencing styles that you can use in your paper like APA, MLA, Chicago, Harvard, IEEE, etc. This article discusses the IEEE citation and referencing so that you understand it properly. This type of referencing finds its application majorly in engineering, computer science, electronics, telecommunications, and information technology papers. A number [X] is inserted in this style at every point where you have borrowed some other author’s work.

IEEE citation can be majorly divided into three parts:

  1. The first initial of the author’s first name is listed first, followed by the full last name.
  2. Then, the article title, patent, conference paper, etc., are written in quotation marks.
  3. After that book title is mentioned in italics.

In-Text Citation by IEEE: 

The in-text citations are provided as numbers in square brackets. The sources are then mentioned in the reference list at the end of the paper. Numbers orders the references as they appear in the text. The number will increase in ascending order every time you refer someone in your writing. If you are repeating something, then you can use the same number again.

You must enclose the reference numbers in square brackets in the same line of text. It should be written before any punctuation, and space must be there before the bracket.

E.g., “The case came to notice 1995 [1].”

“Blake [25] has claimed that……”

“According to studies [1], [2], [14], [18] it is clear…”

Reference Lists: 

At the end of the document, the references must be given in the order in which they have been cited in the text. The list is not alphabetical and contains details as mentioned above.

They must be left-aligned with the single space entries having double spacing in between. Write the number in the margin within brackets and indent the text.


When you directly quote someone in your paper, you must put the text in double quotation marks and the number in square brackets either after the quote or after the author’s name. For longer quotes, you can put ellipses (…).

E.g., Blake et al. have noted that “Computer can do mathematical calculations” [4, p. 11].

In fact, John et al. [2, p. 15] suggest that force can “move an item to and fro.”

How to Provide References in Dissertations and Thesis? 

Author. “Title.” Degree level, school, location, year.

Example: N. John. “Political Scenario” M.A. thesis, University of Florida, Florida, 2001.

IEEE style of referencing is most common and is used worldwide in both print and electronic references. Hope this guide will help you to cite sources.

Summary: This article will give you an overview of using the IEEE citation and referencing style in your thesis.

A Simple Guide to Write an Amazing Accounting Essay!

Accounting is one of the most important subjects of commerce which deals with the book-keeping part of the business. If you wish to make a successful career in this field, your accounting concepts must be very clear. You must have complete knowledge and understanding of the subject. You must always keep in mind that your accounting essay must be informative and should contain accurate facts and figures.

Students often find it difficult to write accounting essays and look for accounting essay helpIn order to write an accounting essay efficiently, the students must become familiar with the field they are given an essay on. There are few important points also which every student should keep in mind while writing an essay. Here you will find a simple guide that will help you through your accounting essay writing process.

  1. Time management – You need to devote comparatively more time to accounting than other subjects. When writing an accounting essay, you may miss the deadline without proper time management. Therefore, as soon as you receive your essay assignment, you must start planning about it and create a schedule so that you do not miss other activities. Also, you must plan out the research analysis activities so as to adhere to the deadline.
  1. Researching the essay – Before you start writing your accounting essay, you must gather the necessary information about the topic.
  • Look for various sources, including books, journals, accountancy publications, the internet, etc., where you can find the most relevant information.
  • While collecting data from different sources, make sure to note down the sources so that you can provide references later in your essay.
  • Always gather information from reliable sources. Check out the source of information before using it for your paper.
  • Organise the collected information in the related sections according to the topic of the essay. Outlining and organizing will later help you in the writing part.
  1. Writing the accounting essay – By this time, you are all prepared with the necessary information to write the essay.
  • Being an accounting essay, you must deal with it in a straightforward manner. You do not need any flowery language; rather, be specific about the facts and figures you include in it.
  • Always follow the instructions given by your professor. It includes the writing format as well as the way you will present the information.
  • Provide a short overview of the topic and give precise information about it. In the body part, explain your point with proper evidence giving examples whenever needed.
  • Do not forget to cite the sources as per the selected referencing style like APA or MLA.
  • Wind up your essay after processing all the information and deriving a conclusion that is based on deep analysis and factual information.
  1. Revision – This is the final stage where you must go through the complete work once again to find out if there are any errors or mistakes. This is highly essential to avoid losing marks just because of a silly mistake.

If you follow the above guide, you will definitely be able to write a high-class essay and score good grades.

Summary: This article provides simple guidelines to the students about writing an accounting essay without any hassle and within the deadlines.

5 Differences b/w Footnotes & End Notes: Must Know for Dissertation Writing

In writing, it is necessary to end with a positive note as it gives a positive impact on the reader’s mind. But wait, not in every writing there is an ending. According to dissertation writing help, it is necessary to include footnotes and endnotes. Without this, you won’t be able to complete your paper. But after reading these two terms, you would be feeling that they are the same. But no, there is a huge difference between these two. From the definition to the writing styles, everything differs in these two terms. But there is one similarity that it is necessary to have both terms in dissertation writing. Every student must know the difference and how to use it in their academic paper.

Here are the 5 major differences between Footnotes and Endnotes that you must know.


Foot Note- 

It summarizes and explains the line or word on the same page only at the left corner.

End Note- 

It explains your work on the last page altogether with proper citation of the information.


The footnote appears at the bottom of the same page of your writing. And the endnote appears at the end of the paper altogether with the reference list. Both differ in appearance also.


Foot Note-

  • Through this, it can become easier for the readers to get all the sources that are noted in the paper.
  • Sometimes it can be seen that you need not include the footnotes as it is already drafted in your paper.
  • The readers do not have to go through the end of the paper to get sources as they do not have time. So it also saves much time.

End Note- 

  • End notes help not to get distracted with the extra notes.
  • The information about the source and citation are all together so it becomes easier for the reader to get it at once
  • It has a hassle-free formation on one page only and does not mess up with the content.


Foot Notes- 

  • It will become a disaster if you will use more footnotes on a single page.
  • It will be unclear for the readers that where to find the information in foot notes or in the paper.
  • The lengthy footnotes can create problems for the professor to understand the term and information.

End Notes-

  • Searching for one citation, you need to go to the end of the research paper to get the source.
  • It is necessary to manage accordingly and in a systematic matter; otherwise, your whole page will get messed up.
  • If you miss out on any of the sources, then it can harm your impact and marks.

Writing Styles

Foot Note- 

In foot note, it is necessary to use super script.

End Note- 

In this, you need to use double space and superscript at the start of the reference.

Also Check: CHCCOM005 Assessment Answers

There are differences between footnotes and endnotes, that students must know while including them in their paper. After reading this article, it is for sure that you will be able to create correct endnotes and footnotes in your dissertation. It will surely fulfill your dissertation writing help requirements. From this, you will never get confused between Endnote and footnote.

What Types of Plagiarism Can be Detected by FREE Plagiarism Checker? [7 Types]

You may find various resources providing FREE plagiarism checker online. But how to find the most reliable & trustworthy. This question is asked by many students when it comes to academic writing. Students do not take any risks and even avoid trying different platforms. Most students from the US, UK, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, and many more places trust the best for their papers. They use the plagiarism tool and make sure that their document doesn’t include any duplicacy.

The Free plagiarism checker tool provides a percentage and report of similarity. It provides links to the resources that match the content of your writing. You can get highlighted text that you need to change for which many students reach the Free paraphrasing tool.

Still, many students wonder ‘what are the different types of plagiarism detected by the free plagiarism checker tool’. Here are the points shared by the online assignment helper that can lead you with the information on how the detector tool works.

7 Types of Plagiarism Detected by FREE Plagiarism Checker!

Many students get fail or some penalty charges when it comes to plagiarism. This free checker tool helps the students to detect duplicity and remove it.

  1. CLONE

Identical copying is a second phrase used for cloning plagiarism that highlights the content used, as it is, without any changes. If your paper includes any sentence or paragraph exactly the same as any other resources, then it will be detected by the tool efficiently.

  1. CTRL C

When portions of the text are found similar to other writing is known as the CTRL-C type of plagiarism. If your sentence has a phrase matching to others will be detected in the tool easily.


When some specific words are changed in the content to make it different from others, it is known as the Find & Replace type of plagiarism. If you have tried this trick, it will also be detected easily on the FREE plagiarism checker tool.

  1. REMIX

When a document contains a little information from different resources and combined them all as one, it is detected as the remix type of plagiarism. If you have this work, then it will also be identified on the tool.


When students use their own previous work without proper citation, it is known as recycling or self-plagiarism, which is detected easily on the Free plagiarism checker tool.


When a person copies the perfectly cited source documents and arranges them as a new document without citation is known as the hybrid type of plagiarism. If your content has such writing, then it will be detected on the tool easily.

  1. MASH-UP

Taking different information from different resources for your document and mixing it all together without any proper citation is known as the mash-up type of plagiarism. The tool will help you create the individual citation list to avoid plagiarism in your paper.

Above are the various types of plagiarism that the Free plagiarism checker for free detects in the student’s writing. Hope, you will find the above point beneficial for your knowledge & query as information shared by the expert academic writers.

How to Write Samsung Case Study PESTLE Analysis Without Losing Your Mind?

Completing a case study is never an easy task. It requires a lot of effort, research, and dedication. Not every student is fond of completing this task, but as they say, there are some things that you can never skip, and case study writing is one of them. Samsung is one of the largest brands in the world, and that is the reason that professors prefer assigning its case study as a task to students. There are many things to be completed in the case study however, Samsung case study PESTLE analysis is what bothers a student the most. Being from a management background, performing a SWOT analysis is a routine for them. However, PESTLE analysis needs more in-depth research and a strong perspective for grasping the details of what might happen with the steps. Many students look for resources online that can assist them with the task. Some students reach out to academic writers and services to get their work completed as the research becomes so hard that students start losing their cool while writing making things worse for themselves and their documents.

In this article, you will find a simple, effective, and carefree way to complete your PESTLE analysis without losing your temperament. If you are a student who has been assigned such a task, for any brand for that matter, this article is going to help you out! Let’s start!

Step 1 – Refine Your Research

If you have reached the PESTLE analysis section of your document, it is clear that you have read a lot about the brand to complete the previous sections. Case study help providers suggest that you curate all the work and start researching again. When it comes to brands like Samsung, there are millions of resources available online, but only a few of them will give you accurate information. All you have to do is look for the most common information, the one that remains somewhat the same in all the resources, that is what you can use.

Step 2 – Establish Your Motive

With all the information in your hands, it’s now time you establish a motive for your analysis. Though all the information shared in the analysis must be free from bias, there are times when students seem a little bit tilted towards showing the better side of the company which is a wrong practice. Stay true to your work, and that is what should be your motive for the analysis. Distribute all the data that you have curated according to the requirement of PESTLE.

Step 3 – Plan Your Writing

Once you have completed all the pre-requisites it’s time you start writing your analysis. Break down all the factors and start writing them with complete dedication. All the factors are political, economic, or social, has a different way, different taste and thus requires you to write accordingly. If you can do it accordingly you will nail the process easily.

Other than these 3 steps, whenever you are writing a Samsung case study PESTLE analysis, always make sure that the outcome is clear and relevant to the points that you have used. Hope this article, clears all your doubts, good luck!

Want to Write a Great Assignment? Follow These Fool-Proof Tips Today!

Australia boasts of many great universities, which expose students of various disciplines to a holistic curriculum. The professors use various assessment techniques to understand the knowledge level of students. In every academic session, university students in Australia will find themselves tasked with writing a number of assignments. The objective of this academic work is to research a specific topic and write about it in their own words. But it is not as easy as it sounds. It is why many students get tensed when they are in the midst of doing it. Not getting a good grade can be ruinous for your academic score. If you find yourself unable to get time to write, you should definitely seek assignment help Perth services online.

Don’t be afraid of writing assignments anymore!

With just a little bit of guidance, it is possible for you to compose a winning assignment. Here are some secrets to a great quality assignment.

#1. Be mindful of the guidelines

Before writing, pay careful attention to your assignment guidelines. They are prepared by your university for a reason. It will help you to comprehend the structure of this academic work. If you are doubtful or do not understand the format you need to follow, feel free to avail yourself of the services of an expert.

#2. Do good research

After you know the format and structure, you need to start researching your topic. The universities in Australia are equipped with various resources and libraries that can help students a lot in preparing quality work. Many Assignment Help Australia writers are able to create brilliant assignments mostly because they undertake in-depth research on your topic.

#3. Try to make your work interesting

Don’t just blindly copy and paste the information that you find online. You need to create a work that retains the attention of your readers. Assignments should have a very catchy introduction. You also need to make sure that you are not putting only facts in the body part. Make it interesting for the reader. Write a surprising statistic or thought-provoking sentences in between.

#4. Do not make your assignment plagiarised

Your assignment becomes valuable only when it is authentic and unique. Professors in Australia will never accept an assignment that is copied or plagiarised. Students need to analyze the information critically and come up with their own arguments. It is what will impart quality to your assignment and value to your reader. You can run your assignment on various plagiarism checking tools online to make it free of it. Remember that plagiarism is a serious offense in the academic circle.

#5. Be attentive to the deadlines

The last thing you want is to submit your assignment after your deadline comes to an end. It is as bad as not being able to submit your work. You need to learn time management if you want to surpass challenging deadlines. So, ensure that you are working every day on your assignment, and it is a part of your routine. Only then will you be able to deliver your work on time.

Start implementing these tips in your academic work to come up with a winning assignment.

Summary: University students in Australia are supposed to write different kinds of assignments during their semester. The article outlines how they can prepare a quality assignment on time.

How to Organize Your Thoughts Before Writing a Term Paper?

A term paper is a standardized piece of writing which contains your original research and ideas. It is usually a part of the academic curriculum, and you have to submit it to get your degree. The importance of writing an impressive term paper can be seen from the fact that your professional career will only commence once you have submitted it successfully.

At times when you have to write a paper, you get so many ideas and thoughts. But you are not able to structure the clutter. This situation may be dangerous and won’t let you proceed further in your writing.

This article presents some ways suggested by term paper help providers organize ideas and thoughts productively to make sense of what they are thinking.

  1. Conduct Research: Getting knowledge of the topic is a great way to structure your thoughts. Try to read as many books and journals as possible about the topic. This will help you to make things clear in your mind.
  1. Write It Down: Start writing whatever is there on your mind. This is also referred to as free-write. You can take a piece of paper and start writing whatever you feel is related to the topic. Keep writing until you’re out of ideas.
  1. Create a Mind Map: Pick one idea at a time and write it down on paper. Then start collecting ideas related to it while keeping that idea in mind. Write down all the related thoughts in points one after another. All the elements should be connected in some way.
  1. Make Categories and Sub-Categories: It is always useful to decide on 3 or 4 main categories for any topic. Organize the main idea into 3-4 main categories by importance. Then define sub-categories for each of them and write down each and every point related to them. You can categorize your thoughts in different ways, like by the importance of the category, steps of the writing process, chronology, or cause and effect.
  1. Take Regular Breaks: According to term paper help Australia providers, it is crucial to take regular breaks when you are working on a lengthy paper. In order to help your mind process what you have done by far and refresh, engage yourself in something not related to your paper.
  1. Use a Poster Board:If you like to present your ideas diagrammatically, you can take a big paper or a poster board. Write down the main idea in the middle inside a circle. Then take outlines that show the ideas that are directly related to the main idea. You can continue by sub-dividing the ideas and writing them on the poster connecting it to its higher-level idea. By doing so, you’ll get a clear picture of the whole scenario in a single place.
  1. Meditate: Meditation is a great way to relax your mind and organize your thoughts at an unconscious level. You just have to sit quietly for some time, keeping all sorts of thoughts away.
  1. Speak with Someone: You can discuss the term paper with your friends, parents, or relatives. This will give you a way to think about it and clarity about your ideas.

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Hope these tips will help you organize your thoughts before writing the term paper. If you struggle to do so, you always have the option to avail help from a reliable website offering term paper writing services, CDR writing services, assignment writing services, and more.

Summary: This article aims to help students overcome the dilemma they face while writing a term paper. It helps structure and organizes ideas and thoughts before and during the writing process.

20+ History Dissertation Topics: A Gold Mine for the ‘Future’ Historians!

History is all about digging the past and acquiring information. But, the irony is that you can’t dig into old history dissertation topics and write your academic paper on any of them. Sadly, the concept of ‘Old Is Gold’ doesn’t work here. This leaves students baffled, as they are always in search to find the best topic ideas for writing a history dissertation. If you are also tired of searching, then this writing piece is your match made in heaven.

Hello, students! Hope you are doing great. Welcome to the write-up, which highlights 20+ ideas for a history dissertation. Moreover, the topics are listed by the experts of Global Assignment Help, which is the No.1 assignment writing help service provider. So, what are you waiting for? Quickly scroll the page further and get your worry solved in seconds.

Which Are Some of the Best History Dissertation Topics? Your Search Ends Here!

  1. A Qualitative Study of Events Which Laid the Foundation for Revolution in America
  2. Religion Plays a Vital Role in Innovation. Comment Your Views
  3. The Rise of Advertising & Marketing in the US Market
  4. An In-depth Analysis of Crimean War. What Was It & What Was the Main Cause?
  5. Napoleon III: How & Why Did He Come Into Power? Discuss
  6. What Were the Main Causes That Led to Italian Unification?
  7. The Importance of German Unification for the European Society
  8. The Background & Implications of Battle of Waterloo
  9. An Investigative Analysis of Who Was the Best President in the American History
  10. Emphasize the Role of the USSR in WW I
  11. What Was the Influence of Slave Trade on the Economy of Europe
  12. A Review of the Impact of Great Depression on the Different County’s Economy
  13. The Evolution of the Stone Age Period
  14. What Was Industrial Revolution & Its Importance on Western Classifications
  15. What Were the US Foreign Policy During the Cold War?
  16. The Importance of Frontier in the History of America
  17. A Historical Analysis of Drug Use & Abuse in America
  18. Spanish Flu: What Was It & How It Reshaped the Medical Facilities
  19. The Importance of Religion & Churches in the World War II
  20. Crusade Movement and the Role of Women in It
  21. The History of Hollywood & How It Changed the Beliefs of the People

Summing Up All!!

If you are reading this sentence, then you must have known the best history dissertation topics that can help you become a future ‘historian.’ So, choose the topic which grabs your eyeballs and start writing. However, if you still fail to write your academic paper on any of the above-mentioned topics, then consider seeking history dissertation help from the writers of Global Assignment Help. The writers are highly qualified in the subject & hold proficient writing experience.

The Ultimate Tips to Write Result and Discussion for Your Thesis

After years of hard work, students reach a place where they have to write a thesis. It has a vital role in shaping their career. But instead of doing it with fun and excitement, they find this task painful and start looking for thesis help. The thesis aims to demonstrate how one can write on a topic interestingly and in an academic tone.

A thesis comprises various sections. The results and discussion section explains what you found out through the paper. You can either write results and discussions in a combined manner or write them separately, depending upon the guidelines provided by the university. This article discusses how to write the results and discussion section of your thesis impressively.

How to Write the Result Section of a Thesis?

Here you will include the core findings of your research. Present your findings in an organized manner showing the significance of your research. The result section must include the following:

  • Results are presented in the form of charts, graphs, and tables. Appropriate explanations must support them. Do not duplicate by presenting the same data in different forms.
  • A contextual analysis of the data.
  • Answer the questions that you have put in your thesis.
  • Your interpretation of significance should be supported by appropriate literature.
  • Be concise and crisp as the reader will not be interested in reading a 20-page long result.
  • Number each figure, along with providing an appropriate title.
  • Don’t be biased and include the result as it is, whether it has come out to be positive or negative.
  • Include photographs wherever necessary.
  • Give proper topic sentences and subheadings for each of your findings.
  • At the beginning of each paragraph, include your key results with a topic sentence followed by supporting statements.

How to Write the Discussion Section of the Thesis?

The discussion section is as important as the result part. It improves the credibility of your document and makes it more inspiring. Dissertation help experts suggest including the following in this section:

  • A clear interpretation of your thesis and explain the results. Here you should not repeat the result but try to consider alternative explanations. You must show the pattern and correlation between the data you have presented.
  • Explain how your results vary from previous works and what the differences were.
  • What were the problems & challenges you faced in reaching these results? Discuss if there are any unsettled points that were left in the results. If there were any unexpected results, try to evaluate their significance.
  • Include the suggestions for future research. You can explain how you reached this result and what more can be done about it.
  • The discussion section should not be very long and end in one or two paragraphs.
  • Explain how your findings conform to the previous work done and what new you have added to the previous implications.

The result and discussion section of the thesis helps the reader get a clear understanding of your findings and what you have studied in the process. Try to keep them simple and easy to understand.

Summary: Writing a good thesis requires a lot of knowledge and hard work. Apart from other parts of the thesis, the result and discussion section form one of the most challenging as well as interesting sections. Here is a guide to writing a perfect result and discussion for your thesis.