3 Best School Assignment Ideas for Students in Albany

Albany, the capital of New York, has many prominent universities like Columbia University, Cornell University, and New York University. In this article, you can know about the best ideas for assignment writing Albany students can work on.

Thirteen colonies led to the formation of the United States, and Albany is interesting, right? You can learn more about it and discuss that in your assignment. But want to know how? Read this article!

Here are 3 main ideas out of many for assignment writing Albany students can rely on to get good results.

Origin of the State

This is an interesting assignment topic that is the best for history students. If you are interested in this, then you can discuss the following details in it:

  • The State was populated by Native Americans for many centuries. They had been living here for around 5000 years.
  • In 1964, the Dutch came and colonized an area which is also known as Manhattan at present.
  • After the American Revolution, it became a colony of the United States in 1788.
  • The major events on the formation of the state lies in the last 300 years only, can be covered as a student.

Unknown Facts on the Statue of Liberty

Who wouldn’t love to read an assignment on the statue of liberty? Did you know that the Statue was fragmented into 350 pieces, and it looks around 214 crates to suffice them? It came as a gift from France on the commemoration of America and took 4 months to re-assemble. You can add more interesting facts like this in your assignment to grab the reader’s attention and hold him till the end of the paper.

Significance of the Eastern Bluebird

If you want to go for a topic with significance, then this can be the best choice. First, you can leave your professor awestruck; then, you can do in-depth research on this topic and draft your assignment on it. For example, here is a sample of the fact that you can include: “In the year 1970, it was one of the first birds to arrive in the northern region during spring. From there on, it became the official state bird of New York. It can see and fetch an insect at up to a distance of 100 feet.”

For any student residing in Albany or even in the state of New York, these above themes can be worth studying. This state has many other attractions to work on, such as the Big Apple, Niagara Falls, Lake Placid, and a lot more. With so many amazing stories to cover, there is no chance of any student being short on a topic of study. You need to look at everything from a different perspective with a motive to find inspiration for your assignment.