Analog components, such as resistors, capacitors, inductors, transistors, etc are combined into the circuits to take the inputs and provide the output that works within the bounds of the power supplies. So, a student studies this subject when he enrolls himself in the computer science course. He has to write the assignment on various topics. One of them is analog. When a student studies the analog topic, he usually gets confused with the components and when to use them. Due to this, he takes analog assignment help from the experts.
However, many students want to know when to use analog components on their own and write the assignment. But they could not find the devices on which it should be used. So, read this article further and know about analog components.
- Use in Filtering the Signals– When you are dealing with continuous signals, it becomes problematic to divide the wanted and unwanted content. But in between this process, the analog filter is used to remove the unwanted content with ease. Also, it is very cost-effective when it is compared to the digital filter.
- Use in High Power– When you use high power systems, you should use a digital measurement and control system because it manages the systems. However, it is not effective when compared to filtering the signals. There will be a continuous passage to the AC. On the other hand, the DC systems will use analog components that are more durable.
- Use in Converter – When you have to switch between the different data, the system needs to convert analog to digital and digital to analog. According to the Nyquist theorem, you should have a sampling frequency that must be twice the high-frequency component present in the signal. The original signal will be ruled out to distract the noise after the sampling, in this process, this theorem with help. If sometimes, your signal is not converted to the digital form, you have one option to filter the signals with the help of an analog unit. On the other hand, if you want to convert the digital signal into the analog, the processing will be carried out with components and circuits of the analog.
- Use in Sensors – When you have to recognize the data live, this sensor possesses the ability to convert the information in the data. You can not see this information with your naked eyes. The sensor would help you to develop the analog signals and later convert them into digital signals.
These are the places when the analog components are used. You must understand how and when the analog components work and are used. If you go through more deeply, surely you understand the entire concept at one go. So, make sure you understand each point perfectly. But in case you face any problem, you can ask for analog assignment writing from the experts. The professional writers will surely make your document perfect.
Hope you liked reading this article! Good luck!