David Ogilvy’s 50-50 Rule for Essay Writing | LESS Mistakes & MORE Marks

100% efficiency brings 100% returns! Productivity in essay writing requires for the best result. It is possible when you put 100% efficiency. Many Australian students look for essay writing help when they can’t write it with full efficiency.

If you make several mistakes in the essay, then the reason can be a lack of analysis and research. Writing takes a lot of time when you don’t analyse the information before using it in the paper. Often the topic conveys a different meaning and the information inside convey a different meaning. Most Australian students can’t do justice with the headings and the sub-headings when the information looks vague in their paragraphs.

Then how to avoid this problem? The answer is David Ogilvy’s 50-50 rule. With the help of this rule, you can easily write productively. Know about the rule in detail below.

What Is David Ogilvy’s 50-50 Rule?

David Ogilvy was the British advertising tycoon. He is also known as the father of advertising. He states you should spend half of the time developing the headline for the piece of content. Means 50% time for the headline or topic creation and the rest 50% time to write about it. You can notice this is very simple, but it requires patience to apply this rule.

By using this rule you can increase the writing efficiency and get excellent results in the essay. You must be thinking about how to use this rule for essay writing or when to use it? For this, you only need to focus on the below points.

  • Topic Research:First of all, you have to research to find the main topic. If you have 2 hours for it, then give 1 hour to understand what type of topic can be accepted by the professor. Read the guidelines, note-down important points. In the rest of 1 hour collect some ideas for topic creation, for this check out some examples as well.
  • Headings: Can you write the entire essay without making a sub-heading? Maybe yes, but this will get you very poor marks. You have to include at least 3-4 headings and sub-headings in the essay. If you have 4 hours, then give 2 hours to make the headings and their sub-headings, then the rest of the time to write about them. Why you should do this? It improves your efficiency, avoids connectivity issues, and increases your speed.
  • Paragraph Writing: How can David Ogilvy’s rule prove helpful in paragraph writing? You must be thinking about it. Suppose you have an idea to write a paragraph, then give 50% per cent time to think about its structure and presentation, then give the rest of the 50% time to write it. This is how you can reduce the chances of mistakes in the paragraph.

You can use David Ogilvy’s rule for any of the stages of essay writing. If still, you get stuck while writing, then you can also take essay writing help. Several experienced writers provide error-free papers in a short time. You can also get 100% original papers easily by using the essay typer tool online, so get ready for amazing marks.

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