How to Prepare a SWOT Analysis Assignment for a Defined Product?[9 Steps]

The marketing students seek SWOT analysis assignment help as they have to submit their task by the deadline. It is tough to analyze a brand or product and then write it within a time period assigned by the professors as it is a task that requires broad research and quality writing.

Here are nine steps suggested by the expert SWOT analysts that can help the students to create a perfect assignment for their marketing subject.

9 Steps to Create a Defined Product SWOT Analysis Assignment

The steps that can help the students to create a SWOT analysis assignment for a defined product are as follows:

  1. Business Goals Specification

Before writing a SWOT analysis class assignment report, you should specify the objectives, nature, and purpose of the product. You can begin with a brief outline of the product and brand. You should include some specific questions such as –

  1. What is the business?
  2. What is the main product that you deal with?
  3. What is the reason behind this SWOT analysis?
  4. Who is your core customer base?
  5. How do you plan to use this report to improve your brand?
  1. Information Collection

After specifying the objectives and reasons; now, you should start the available data collection, by conducting market surveys and studying customer behaviour. You can start with some previous research papers and findings. Search for customer preferences, buying trends and demand patterns to create the product marketing strategy.

  1. Data Categorization

As a business student, you should know how to classify the data about the product and its market place. For SWOT analysis, you can divide the data material into four main categories- strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

  1. Sorting and Analyzing the Data 

In this section, arrange the information that reveals some interesting insights about the product brand. There are two ways to sort the report- one is precise process guidelines of SWOT, and the other is a straightforward way of preparing a checklist.

  1. Identifying the Strengths

You can start the SWOT analysis by identifying the advantages of the products. You have to list the strong points of the brand here. There is liberty for students that they can choose the product or service themselves for their business assignments.

You cannot give your opinion on this. You have to keep your analysis objective and entirely from a third-person perceptive. You can talk about the following aspects:

a) Tasks that your company is good.
b) Qualities of your product comparedto others.
c) Talk a little about internal resources like the staff etc.
d) Use assets like intellectual property, capital, technology etc.

  1. Finding the core weaknesses

In this section, list out the disadvantages or weaknesses the product had when it first came to the market. You can talk about the following aspects:

a) Things the company lacks
b) Things that the competitors do better than you
c) Limitation of the resources
d) The unclear unique selling scheme

  1. Exploring the opportunities

As better an analyst will learn to predict market trends and optimization, sooner they will be eligible for marketing. You can talk about the following aspects in it:

a) The underserved market for specific products
b) Few competitors in your area
c) The emerging need for your product or services
d) Media or press coverage of the product

  1. Estimating the Risk 

If you are good at evaluating the risk, then you can prepare the product to overcome any obstacle with relatively more success. You can talk about the following aspects:

a) Emerging competitors
b) Changing regulatory environment
c) Negative coverage by press or media
d) Change in customer’s behaviour towards the company or product

  1. Drafting the Report

After sorting and analyzing the data, now, its time to write your SWOT Analysis Assignment. Write using a formal tone of language and maintain the perfect format.

These are the nine steps that can help you write your SWOT analysis assignment. Hope you find these steps helpful and prepare an excellent document.


This article reflects the nine steps to prepare a swot analysis assignment for a defined product.

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