5 Reasons Why Student’s Dissertation Gets Rejected in the First Attempt

Has this ever happened that you spent days and nights working on your dissertation, but still, it gets rejected?

Do you know the reason behind it?

Well, there is not only one reason for the dissertation rejection. There are multiple reasons due to which student’s dissertations do not get accepted.

Want to know about them?

Read this piece of writing prepared by the dissertation help experts to know that in detail:

Major Reasons Behind Dissertation Rejection

Reason 1 – They Do Not Provide Proper Evidence 

As we all know, the data gathered while researching is not enough to achieve the desired outcome. It generally happens when the data is less, or the legislation is not known; you won’t be able to get your dissertation accepted in the first attempt unless the evidence collected supports your dissertation. That’s why it is essential to provide strong facts to support and provide your point of view.

Reason 2 – Their Dissertation Do Not Add Value 

Always remember that the results of the study are also appealing to the journals. So, your dissertation won’t get accepted unless the results will contribute to a change in the field. So, make sure that your paper contains more valuable journals.

Reason 3 – They Incorporate the Wrong Methodology

When you use an older research methodology, especially when new methods exist, then the chances of rejection increases. Also, this will result in inaccurate findings and marks a negative impression on the professor. So, always try to incorporate new methodologies while working on a dissertation.

Reason 4 – They Present Unclear Hypothesis

The hypothesis is an assertion based on the previous analysis made by a researcher. Generally, the hypothesis can be proved correct or false based on the research conducted. So, when your hypothesis fails to make a clear argument, then there are more chances that the professor rejects the dissertation. So, make sure to keep the idea simple yet effective, so that your professor gets impressed at the very first glance.

Reason 5 – They Do Not Do Careful Proofreading

Finally, coming to the last yet the most important reason, i.e. students, avoid doing a careful reading and face the consequences later. They simply submit their dissertation writing task to the professor without proofreading it. That’s why their dissertation gets rejected in the first attempt or do not get the desired grades. So, if you do not want to face such a situation, then it is better to read your dissertation twice and then submit it.


So, these were the major reasons due to which students fail to make their dissertation get accepted in the first attempt. Hope, now all the reasons are clear to you; keep them in mind next time you start working on your dissertation. If you still need dissertation writing help, then feel free to get in touch with the subject experts.

Summary: This article highlights the reasons why a student’s dissertation gets rejected in the first attempt. It also explains how to get this problem resolved in no time. If the problem persists, do not hesitate to seek professional dissertation writing help from experts online.

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