Effective Ways to Produce Poster Design for Social Media


Poster making is the oldest and most tried and tested marketing device. The poster is quite effective when you need to draw the attention of the consumers towards sales, fundraisers, events, and more. Although there are no strict rules that you have to adhere to while making posters, there are still some practices that can help you craft them in a way that makes them work even better.

  1. Identifying the goal

Think about what is the goal you want to accomplish by creating the poster. This will help you in making design choices that are well suited to the goal. Keep in mind that simplicity is the key to making a good poster. For example, an official poster that is announcing a conference should have a sleek and professional finish. On the other hand, a poster meant for recruiting purposes should have a big and bold design.

  1. Considering your target audience

Ask yourself who are the people you are trying to communicate with, through your poster. If the audience is older and professional you should have laid back colors, layout, and design to make it look decent. A younger group of the audience will need bolder fonts and vibrant colors to attract them towards the poster and in turn, to the event, it is announcing.

  1. Deciding where to share it

Think beforehand about where you will be sharing the poster you create. Is it going to be printed and hung up on a wall or will it be uploaded on a social media site? That way it can be determined what sort of optimization needs to be done to it. For it to look really attractive on social media you need to size it in accordance with the particular platform.

  1. Selection of templates

If you are designing a poster for the very first time then it is wiser to start with poster templates as a foundation on which you can build upon. Select a template that is relevant to your goals, carry out the theme, and have a suitable layout. If you pick one that has all these elements then it will save you a lot of time.

  1. Picking a color scheme

The color scheme is the most noticeable thing about any poster. Fortunately, in most circumstances, a color scheme is quite obvious so you will not need to spend time thinking about it. For example, when designing a poster for an event held in winter the best choice is to have red, white, and green color schemes. Or for company posters, you are needed to use their official brand colors.

  1. Including a call to action

Once the audience’s attention has been grabbed, its time to declare a call to action. Every poster no matter which topic it covers has this element. For example, if the poster is about an academic course, “Register Online” will be its call to the action line. A statement like that should be standing out from the rest of the poster and should have a unique and highlighted font.

  1. Using varied fonts

For the standard poster, you will need to organize the information in a set pattern. If it is about an event the name needs to come first with the date and time. Next, there should be an attractive tagline or a brief description of the event. A call to action and the name of the company, organization or parties hosting the event will follow. All this information needs to be in fonts of various colors and styles that signifies its importance.

  1. Using Icons

Icons are representations of concepts in the form of symbols. They are the perfect way to make your poster design even better. Icons can be used for embellishing points and can even replace words in some cases. They also work really well for quick illustration ideas. You can even make them the main visual point of the whole design.

When picking icons chose ones that have a consistent style like similar line art and illustrative style. Do not fill your poster to the brim and give icons ample whitespace to avoid clogging up the design. Simple borders and backgrounds are also good additions when you have an icon-based poster.

  1. Including high-quality images

Posters need a lot of photos to have that appealing flair to make them eye-catching. Some form the background of the poster while others are the center of attention. Whichever way they are being used the photos must be of high quality. Pixilation or even the least bit of blurriness can ruin your poster no matter how much hard work and effort you put into the text.

10.Downloading and exporting in the correct format

When it is time to share your completed poster with the world, the next steps are to download and export it. While downloading select which format you want it to be downloaded in. For instance, for emails and social media, a PNG format is perfect.

These were some useful tips that we had for you to create the most effective posters that fulfill the goal they are meant to achieve. If you need further help then poster design agency Abu Dhabi is the solution to any design issues you are experiencing. We provide you with the most attractive and attention-grabbing posters that won’t fail in their mark.

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