Concepts Students Need to Know Before Writing Data Structure Assignment

If you are pursuing engineering in computer science and entering the world of data structures, the complexities of assigning data are encountered in a logical and structured manner. So understanding the complex coding required to execute such ideas may be difficult to understand. The situation becomes hectic when the professor asks students to write an assignment on the data structure. Such tasks will be over your head, so you will find it challenging to understand the concepts to work better on your assignment. To make it easier, the data structure assignment help providers of Global Assignment Help Australia have mentioned some concepts that students should know before writing a data structure assignment. 

Basics to Know About Data Structure Assignment-

So here is a list of basic concepts that you need to study before starting your data structure assignment. They are- 

Basic data structures –

Binary Search Tree (balanced and unbalanced), Stack, Hash-table, Linked list, Queue, Disjoint Set Union, Heap, Graph.

Graph-theoretic algorithm – 

Breadth-First Search(BFS), Depth First Search(DFS), Minimum Spanning Tree algorithm, Shortest Path algorithms (Floyd-Warshall, Dijkstra, Bellman-Ford), Tarjan’s algorithm for finding bridges, detect components in a directed graph and cut vertices in a graph.

Sorting algorithms –

Radix sort, Merge Sort, Insertion sort, QuickSort, Heapsort, Counting Sort.

Algorithm design paradigms – 

Exhaustive Search or Brute Force– Dynamic programming, Greedy algorithms, Recursive Backtracking, Conquer, and Divide.

Probabilistic data structures –

Treap, Bloom filters, Skip lists.

Linear algebra and Linear programming–

Determinant computation, Simplex algorithm- solving linear programs, solving a linear system, Gaussian elimination to find the inverse of a matrix, finding eigenvalues.

Number theoretic concepts – 

Pollard-Rho factorization, Computing LCM, and GCD, modular arithmetic, prime factorization, Miller-Rabin Primality Test, Sieve of Eratosthenes, Chinese Remainder Theorem, computing number-theoretic functions like as Moebius Mu and Euler Phi function.

Searching algorithms –

Linear and binary search algorithms.


These are all the basic concepts that you need to learn before writing a data structure assignment. To master the above-mentioned data structure concepts, you need to – practice on a regular basis, develop a basic understanding of implementation, reading about the data structure assignment, and trying to find solutions to each & every problem faced during the learning phase.

Once you know about all these major concepts of data structure, then you can easily proceed further and come up with a better assignment. If still, after studying all these aforementioned concepts, you face difficulty and need data structure assignment help, then feel free to reach out to Global Assignment Help Australia experts.

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