2023 Blogs

A Warm Welcome Home

By Mireyne MacMillan

A group of children posing for a photo

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Enjoying recess with Gil, nutrition student, and Iva, head teacher at Kiborione Primary School along with the pre-primary class.

A group of people standing in a garden

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A group of people standing in front of a silo

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Celebrating healthy eating through Nutrition Clubs

Gill and her nutrition students, post certificate ceremony.

Submitted by Gill Duckett

Each dietetic intern was assigned a school in the Naari region in July to conduct the Farmers Helping Farmers nutrition club. As mentioned in a previous blog post, the lessons comprised; hygiene, vitamin micronutrients, cooking demonstrations, kitchen gardening, and concluded this past week with a certificate ceremony.

The dietetic interns have had the opportunity to create connections with both their students and the staff at their schools, ones that will forever impact us.

Gill saying bittersweet goodbyes to her nutrition class on their final day. 

The participating schools have received resources from Farmers Helping Farmers in the form of screen houses, cookhouses, water tanks, drip irrigation, and education.

Having the opportunity to see the project’s impact from beginning to end has allowed us to see the gratitude and footprints Farmers Helping Farmers has left at the schools. These impacts were shown as the schools exhibited appreciation during the certificate ceremonies.

Kelsey awarding a nutrition club certificate to one of her students.

During the certificate ceremony, a meal was prepared for the nutrition club, their parents, the teachers and the remaining grade five students. The nutrition team and two women from one of the community women’s groups prepared a meal of ‘super’ chapatis and bean stew.

Throughout the nutrition club, the students learned about the importance of iron, zinc, vitamin C, and vitamin A. The micronutrients were incorporated in the lunch to demonstrate how the nutrition messages taught in class can be added to traditional meals.

Gill and Katie preparing carrots for the bean stew. 

As a final send-off, the nutrition club students had the opportunity to present a nutrition-based skit to their families and fellow peers. The students studied, memorized and rehearsed their skit weeks before enacting; each student being assigned a role. The performance summed up the five nutrition lessons, allowing the audience to get a grasp on the program.

We completed the day with celebratory dances, bittersweet tears, and big smiles; as the dietetic interns said their final goodbyes.

Students performing the nutrition skit in front of parents and fellow peers.

Preparing super chapatis for the ceremony!

Forces United! Working Towards “One-Health” in Kenya

– Updates from the Vet and Climate Team

It’s been a while since our last update, and this time we’re doing the blog post in collaboration with the vet team! Veterinary and climate change studies intersect more than you may think – and that’s something both fields are trying to improve upon. Recently, projects initiated by the vet, climate and nutrition teams from Farmers Helping Farmers have been trying to integrate the concept of “One Health” – which recognizes that the health of animals, people and the environment are closely interlinked and dependent on each other in more ways than one.

For instance, increasing temperatures due to climate change can escalate the spread of zoonotic and pathogenic diseases. To combat this risk, the vet team has started BVD (Bovine Viral Diarrhea) vaccinations across the Naari and Buuri areas as a preventative measure. Further, the reduction in animal-borne diseases reduces the risk of those diseases transmitting to humans. This example, as well as countless others, emphasize the importance of taking a “One-Health” approach to any kind of project.

Emma and a farmer vaccinating a calf.

The vet team has been busy working away on BVD vaccinations. To date we have vaccinated 165 cows in the Naari area and plan to head to farms in the Buuri area this week. Our rubber boots have been getting some good wear and tear over the four days of vaccinations – walking on foot from farm to farm or even through the odd cabbage field!

The team was lucky enough to welcome two alumni QES veterinary students – Dr. Daniel Muasya and Dr. Edward Kariuki, who were with us throughout the week presenting their PhD and Masters research results to farmers of Ngusishi, Naari, Buuri and Ex Lewa dairy societies. Dr. Muasya completed his PhD studies about BVD – a disease many farmers in the Meru County were not familiar with but eager to learn more about prevention. Dr. Kariuki focused his masters research on mastitis prevention in small scale dairy farming, which is an issue many farmers in these areas have faced. They were so appreciative to learn about the modifications that can be made on their farms to help with mastitis prevention! I had such a wonderful time learning from both of them, squeezing in a few farm calls and enjoying some bumpy rides in the Gypsy.

Daniel, Leah, Emma, Stephen and Edward posing at a successful seminar.

Here in Kenya, we take any opportunity to work with each other and gather new perspectives! Recently, the climate and vet teams got to work with each other at a dairy club session, where Nolan was able to do a stove test and Emma hosted a cow comfort session. We both got to learn about each other’s work, and the Kenyans in attendance were very interested too! The day ended in a resounding success with many lessons learned and of course a few cups of tea!

Emma and Nolan enjoying their tea at a Dairy Club session

The climate team was also able to coordinate with the nutrition team to perform training sessions at their CHAMPS certificate meetings. With the help of Brian (one of the FHF nutrition staff), we were able to pass out informational pamphlets and train women on proper usage of their new improved stoves.

The training sessions were very interactive, and it was great to see so many women eager to learn about their new stoves. The hope is that this training will help them save firewood and maintain their stoves for many years to come.

Nolan and Brian hosting a training seminar for various women’s groups about using their new improved stoves!

The collaborative work between the vet, climate change and nutrition teams have been some of the most jam-packed days yet. These days are filled with endless smiles, sweet farmers making sure Nolan’s cup of Kenyan tea is never left empty, lots of laughs as Emma tries to use the Panga and some crazy dance moves at the Champs sessions. We will all be savoring our last three weeks here as the time continues to fly by.

Making memories with our “Kenyan family”

By Kelsey McIsaac

Chandi, Emma, and Leah with a roadside elephant spotted on their drive home from dairy club!

The team of students in Kenya are SHOCKED that we are already halfway done our time here.

We have accomplished so much: 21 cookstove tests, 51 home evaluations of the “More Food, Better Food” project, vaccinated 84 cows, countless dairy club and Champs trainings, and more.

Leah and vet student Emma with a biogas set up by Farmers Helping Farmers.

We still have so much work to do and thanks to the amazing Farmers Helping Farmers staff here in Kenya, we have a full schedule of activities to look forward to in the upcoming weeks.

The relationships we have developed cannot go unnoted. The many laughs shared with Gikundi driving the Gypsy (our beloved jeep), the amazing cakes that Caroline Mwenda frequently gifts, the many jokes that Leah makes, the songs that James improvises and sings with all his heart, the amazing big sister hugs that Salome always offers… all these memories, and so many more, will never be forgotten.

While we all miss our families back at home, our large Kenyan family has been keeping us safe and loved.

Gikundi, Kelsey, Nolan, and Caroline Mwenda on a day the nutrition and climate change teams carpooled in the beloved Gypsy.

Gikundi, Mireyne, Katie, and Nolan after a school focus group session.

Kelsey, Katie, and Brian sharing tea and super chapatis at a Brian’s family farm, the host for that group’s dairy club. Ft. Brian’s family cat waiting for some chapati.

Look out for upcoming updates on projects such as: completing the school nutrition clubs, beginning training on proper use of an improved cookstove, dairy club training, Champs sessions, and more!

Thank you for your continued support of Farmers Helping Farmers and the
Queen Elizabeth Scholars.

Salome, Gill, and Katie with some roadside elephants after a day of home evaluation interviews of the “More Food, Better Food” project.

From treating a donkey at a market to a surprise sighting in the forest, the vet team is soaking in every experience in Kenya

June 23, 2023 Vet Team Update

By Emma Adams

It’s been a few weeks since the last update from the vet team. We were sad to see Dr. John head back to Canada as the month of May approached its end. Before his departure, the team managed to squeeze in a few more farm calls and some farm visits to see different biogas instalments done by Farmers Helping Farmers.

Seeing the impact that the biogas systems have on cooking efficiency for the women has been extremely eye-opening. The women say that the time saved in meal preparation has been put towards making improvements on the farm – even a few cow comfort modifications in the stalls.

Dr. John, Stephen and one of the farmers viewing one of the biogas units.

The whole group was lucky enough to welcome a previous QES student to the Rose house, Mireyne, who is a registered dietician. She spent the two weeks working with the school nutrition clubs doing focus group discussions, and compiling her data for the FHF report. Not only were the two weeks of having Mireyne in Kenya filled with endless laughs, but also a safari at the Olpejeta Conservancy. Our jaws were on the floor most of the safari as we saw numerous herds of elephants, giraffes, rhinos, zebras and so much more. It was truly a surreal experience seeing the wildlife so peaceful at the conservancy.

Some of the friendly giants enjoying the fresh marsh grass at the Olpejeta Conservancy

After a great weekend at the conservancy, the crew headed back to Kiirua to get back to work.

We started the week off with a cow comfort lesson, educating farmers from the Naari Dairy group about the importance and benefits of having a proper zero-grazing area. After a successful lesson, we headed off to Kiirua market to tend to an injured cart donkey who had a run in with another donkey. A huge thank you to Dr. Mellish and Dr. John that consulted the team via a telemedicine call.

That was the first time I had ever done a treatment behind a fruit market area – it gave a new meaning to working in diverse field conditions. After finishing five days of antibiotics, the donkey has made some process according to its owner but is still on bed rest.

Emma giving one of the local cart donkeys antibiotics after a tumble with another
donkey in the market.

Our week ended on a high note, when we made friends with one of the locals on the from the forest on our drive home from a dairy club….. it wasn’t what you would expect!!

Stephen, Emma and Leah with our new forest friend outside of Meru.

Cheers – The Vet Team

Hands-on nutrition lessons for Kenyan women and students

By Katie MacNeill

Brian, Gill and Katie helping make chapatis with women from the dairy group.

The nutrition team has had a very busy, but exciting last two weeks. We started the week off with a beautiful hike, two hours away from Meru County. The 20km hike involved many breath-taking trails and waterfalls through a rainforest.

Nolan, Kelsey, Katie, Emma and Gill at one of the waterfalls seen during the hike

With the home evaluations of the “More Food, Better Food’’ project coming to an end, we spent the last two weeks switching our focus to the dairy clubs and school nutrition clubs.

The dairy clubs consist of both the nutrition team and vet team doing practical demistartions and lessons to Kenyan farmers. We rotated between three topics: family nutrition, lifestyle disease management, and infant and child nutrition.

The day starts off with a cooking demonstration with help from women of the dairy clubs. As we prepare the traditional dish, we discuss ways to decrease common micro-nutrient deficiencies often seen in Kenyans. We complete the nutrition training, and our day is finalized as we all consume the healthy Kenyan meal prepared.

Kelsey and James making mukimo at a dairy club.

In addition to the dairy clubs, the three nutrition students have started teaching at their
assigned primary schools. The classes are practical, with question-based learning and lots of critical thinking by the fifth graders. Each student started their first lesson with a pre-test to determine their current nutrition knowledge, followed by a discussion on the importance of hygiene.

Katie eating watermelon with the students after the hygiene lesson.

The students were thrilled to receive watermelon donated by Farmers Helping Farmers, after learning the importance of hand washing when handling food.

The second lesson was a practical class where the students made ‘Super Githeri’, which is a traditional maize and bean dish, with the addition of green and orange vegetables.

Gill teaching the iron and zinc lesson to the nutrition club.

During the cooking, the nutrition members discussed the benefits of fermenting cereals and soaking both maize and beans to assist with iron and zinc absorption, a common deficiency among Kenyans. These small adjustments allow common Kenyan dishes to be more nutritious and improve digestibility.

The students are learning a lot of valuable knowledge; however, so is the nutrition team. Working with the students is an extreamly rewarding and wholesome experience.

Kelsey teaching the iron and zinc lesson to the nutrition club.

Fire, Sweat and Tears: Updates from the Climate Team

By: Nolan Kressin

It’s been a while since the last update from the climate change team, and there have been some major developments! We have learned so much about cookstoves, cooking and the impacts of climate change in the region.

For our first big update, Em has unfortunately left the climate team and returned home. It was a teary- eyed departure (I totally wasn’t the only one crying), and I will certainly miss Em’s critical thinking brain, hard-working attitude, and our cheery, banterous conversations. Colleen, one of my supervisors, has also departed, leaving me to independently go about my research and schedule. It’s been a tough transition!

Em, one of the women, and myself posing after a cookstove test

The cookstove tests have been going well! In the absence of Em, I have recruited the help of some of the nutrition students to come and assist with data-taking. I also managed to do two tests in a day with just Gikundi and I, which is great progress from before, where we only managed one test a day with a three- person team. Of course, the women have all been incredibly accommodating and generous to us, and always offer the customary tea and bread even though they are much less fortunate.

Rose Giro Kinyuaa, one of the women who volunteered their shambas for their test, cooking githeri for us

Learning about the daily challenges each woman faces in simply cooking food for their family has been eye-opening. For instance, I learned about the Kenya Forest Service (KFS), a service that many of the women we’ve spoken to use for gathering their firewood. To use the KFS, you must pay a monthly fee of about 150 Ksh. With this monthly fee, you are allowed to enter the forest once a day, collect as much firewood as you can fit on your back, and walk out. Did I mention you aren’t allowed to use a car? Or, have multiple people collect for a single household?

Often, women have no trees or other sources of firewood on their properties so they must employ unjust services like the KFS to get what they need to feed their families. These services exacerbate issues of food insecurity, human health, and overall social inequity. This highlights the need for improved stoves like those implemented by Farmers Helping Farmers – even one stove can make a lifetime’ worth of a difference.

Eunice, her mother, and I smiling after a cookstove test.

Between each test session, we can afford ourselves time for recreation and fun, in the form of safaris, incredible hikes, and or a warm cup of coffee on a Sunday morning. However, I think the best moments have been those spent with the women we work with – their warm shambas, cute kittens, and smiles and laughter will hold a place in my heart for a long time.

Gikundi playing with a kitten during one of our tests.

Kenyan women share stories of the powerful impact of FHF projects

Nutrition students conduct evaluations of “More Food, Better Food” project

Kelsey McIsaac (nutrition student) thanking women at a home assessment

Week three of work, wow, how the time has flown by. We started the week on an amazing safari at the beautiful Sweetwaters Serena Camp. The weekend consisted of mind-blowing game drives, incredible accommodation, delicious food, and even greater company. Immediately upon entering the park, we were greeted by jaw-dropping wildlife; giraffes, water buffalos, rhinos, elephants, zebras, warthogs, and so much more.

Mireyne, Kelsey, Nolan, Katie, Gill and Emma standing in front of an acacia tree

Our accommodation was located near a large watering hole, which numerous animals
frequently visited. We were fortunate enough to watch these creatures from the comfort of our tents.

Our weekend ended with bittersweet goodbyes to Colleen and Em. As we were sad to see them go, we were excited to send them off on a safe trip back to Canada.

Elephant and their calves at Olpejeta Conservancy

Giraffe standing in front of Mount Kenya

The nutrition team’s home evaluations of the “More Food, Better Food” project are coming to an end this upcoming week. The evaluations consist of questions regarding; Farmers Helping Farmers (FHF) livestock/horticultural training, food frequency, food security, women empowerment, and 24-hour dietary intake recalls.

Four participants were randomly selected from the active women’s groups collaborating
with FHF. The drastic lifestyle differences between each woman were eye-opening. These women face various challenges impacted by the lack of resources due to the long-lasting drought.

Katie MacNeill (nutrition student) thanking women at a home assessment.

Each woman showed great appreciation for the water tank, grow bags, cook stove, solar light and training generously donated by FHF. These donations have made a drastic impact on the livelihoods of Kenyan families. The knowledge the nutrition team has gained, coupled with the appreciation shown by these women, is an invaluable, life-changing experience. We will forever hold the issues these women experience in their day-to-day lives close to our heart.

Gill Duckett (nutrition student) thanking women at a home assessment.

Vet students getting hands on experience in Kenya

May 31, 2023

Submitted by Emma Adams on behalf of the vet team

The past two weeks have flown by for the vet team since arriving in Kiirua. Our first Saturday on the ground started out with a tea and greet with the Naari Dairy board committee. We discussed the Naari Dairy’s future goals and farming concerns with the chairman Geoffrey and his helpful team. The morning meeting quickly extended into the afternoon where we did some individual cow health at a farm in Naari (California mastitis (CMT) testing and pregnancy checks.

Dr. VanLeeuwen (aka Dr. John) and Emma doing a CMT test.

Monday rolled around and the vet team set out to the Buuri Dairy group to meet with the chair and board members. Lots of tea and arrowroot while we listened and discussed future plans for Buuri Dairy. We headed to one of the Buuri farms to do some pregnancy checks and treat a mastitis case. We were lucky to recruit a new addition to the team – Joy, a student from Meru University who is currently in her second year of Animal Health and Production. She got to do her first palpation with Dr. John on a 7-month pregnant cow.

Dr. John walking Joy through her first pregnancy palpation.

The rest of the week involved meeting with dairy clubs from the Naari and Buuri areas to do teaching seminars on reproduction and cow comfort. Dr. John’s repro lessons included refreshers on cow nutrition and then focused on four key factors – development of a healthy egg and uterus, good quality semen and the importance of detecting signs of heat (when it is best to breed). Farmers Helping Farmers staff member Stephen’s cow comfort lesson started off with discussions of the importance of cow comfort and how it can help with disease prevention – but lead to full-on construction zone with stall renovations. Both Joy and I really felt Bob the Builder mode come out.

One of the famers enjoying his newly renovated stall.

The week ended in smiles, and lots of laughter, after a series of meetings, herd health calls, and farm visits.

Lessons in Climate Change

By Nolan Kressin and Em Walton

Em and Nolan pose with the owners of this farm, their daughter and neighbours and their children and grandchildren.

We have now spent 2 weeks in Kenya, and we are slowly getting used to the climate, the culture, and our new work schedule. The climate change group, consisting of Nolan, a student studying climate change at UPEI, and Em, a volunteer who studied biology and neuroscience, have gotten off to a good start.

We have started on Nolan’s project, which is looking at the fuel efficiency and greenhouse gas emissions from carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide of the various types of cookstoves used by farmers in Kenya. So far, most of the tests we’ve done have mostly only served to make us aware of the issues in our methodology, but over the last week we have developed a method we think will work.

Nolan and Gikundi, one of the local FHF staff, rigging the sensors to capture the smoke from the chimney of the improved stove, a method we ended up ultimately not using.

In the process, we met with various members or their relatives of the Destiny Women’s Group, which is one of the closer groups to where we live. The reality of the living and cooking conditions have definitely been humbling, and often smoky!

We are now testing the emissions within the cooking building/room, as even the improved stoves implemented by Farmers Helping Farmers tend to let smoke in the room.

A member of the Destiny Women’s Group tending to the modified 3 stone stove, with the tripod and sensors visible under the chimney.

We have been shown every kindness, served tea and food, and treated with patience and respect. The women have been more than happy to help, especially if it means FHF can further help their community.

Em, Nolan and Colleen with the seven members of the Glorious Women’s Group that participated in the discussion group.

As part of Em’s project, we also went to the Glorious Women’s Group, which is in a considerably hotter and drier part of Meru County. We hosted a discussion group with seven of their members to learn their experiences with the changing climate, how it has impacted them, and what they have changed to cope or adapt to these changes.

In this area, the women had had every aspect of daily life affected by the change in rain patterns. Rain is rare despite the historical consistency in short and long rainy seasons every year, and when it comes it is more likely to cause harm than good, washing out crops, roads and more.

Crops are failing from the drought and blight and disease, livestock are suffering from starvation and dehydration, so these farmers’ income is at an all time low. Even cooking fuel is scarce due to the drought, and diets consist primarily of maize and beans, lacking vital nutrients.

However, this group is a new addition to the FHF-supported women’s groups, so we hope that with the implementation of water tanks and other future supports, this group will have a fighting chance at adapting to climate change.

Getting Started in Kenya

By Emma, Gill, Kelsey, Em, Nolan, Katie, Colleen and John

The group arrived in Kenya on the night of May 15th. The first week consisted of touring around before we started our work, getting used to the place we would call home for the summer, and meeting all the fantastic Farmers Helping Farmers staff from Kenya. For our first full day started in Nairobi, Kenya, we visited the Giraffe Manor and the Rimpa Conservancy.

The team visiting the Rimpa Conservancy

In the days that followed, we got to meet many of the people we will be working with this summer, and see many different markets that surround Mount Kenya. The nutrition, climate change and vet team all have Farmers Helping Farmers staff in Kenya who we will be working with us on our projects. We had a working breakfast meeting where we had the chance to get to know each other, and started to talk about all the exciting projects we will be doing over the next three months.

Volunteers and staff after the Farmers Helping Farmers breakfast meeting

By the end of the week, we got to visit many women’s group homes, shambas (farms), and primary schools with nutrition club gardens. While we did our touring around, we saw many water tanks, grow bags, cattle, plant nurseries and cookhouses.

To see the work Farmers Helping Farmers has done, and its impacts in person has been an amazing experience. The people we have met are so happy and thankful to be part of the projects done by Farmers Helping Farmers. This last week has made us all very excited about the work we will be doing this summer!

The interns with students of Murinya primary school.

The group visiting a women’s group plant nursery