Essau Serem
Essau Serem is a registered veterinarian in Kenya working at the University of Maasai Mara. He is currently on study leave from his teaching position to pursue a PhD in Health Management here at the Atlantic Veterinary Collage at UPEI. He was awarded a PhD scholarship from the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Scholarships program, doing coursework in Canada and research in Kenya.
His research title is “Understanding the costs and benefits of zero-grazing of Kenyan smallholder dairy cattle”
Glory Karimi
Glory Karimi is a registered dietician in Kenya. She is currently on leave from her position in Kenya to pursue a MSc in Nutrition here at UPEI. She was awarded a MSc scholarship from the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Scholarships program, doing coursework in Canada and research in Kenya.
Her research title is “Evaluation of an Agri-Nutrition Education Program in Primary Schools in Meru, Kenya”