Emma Adams
My name is Emma Adams and I am a second-year veterinary intern studying at the Atlantic Veterinary College at the University of Prince Edward Island. I will be traveling to Kenya with the following objectives: a) training dairy farmers on best management practices according to the Dairy Handbook; b) training dairy farmers on the results of the research projects conducted by graduate students; c) treating and preventing disease in cattle on dairy farms; and d) vaccinating cattle for protection against some infectious disease common in cattle. I am very excited to go to Kenya and I hope to learn a lot!
Nolan Kressin
My name is Nolan Kressin, and I am a 4th year student at the UPEI School of Climate Change and Adaptation. I will be travelling to Kenya to perform research about greenhouse gas emissions and energy efficiency in cookstoves in rural Kenyan households. I am passionate about climate change and global sustainable development, and I also enjoy cooking and trying out new food in my free time. I am very excited to go to Kenya and I hope to learn a lot!
Gillian Duckett
Hi everyone, my name is Gillian Duckett, and I am currently a dietetic intern studying Food and Nutrition at The University of Prince Edward Island. I am from Thunder Bay, Ontario, and hope to work as a Registered Dietitian upon graduation. Travelling to Kenya will allow me to grow as an individual, with a focus on food and nutrition, a subject I’m extremely passionate about. The cultural knowledge I will gain, coupled with the opportunity to share my knowledge with the community, will be an invaluable life-changing experience.
Katie MacNeill
My name is Katie MacNeill and I am a third-year dietetic intern studying Food and Nutrition at the University of Prince Edward Island. I grew up in Montague, Prince Edward Island where I lived with my older sister and father. I will be interning with UPEI and Farmers Helping Farmers in Kenya during the summer of 2023. I am extremely excited to be able to share the knowledge I have gained about food and nutrition with the individuals we will be working with in Kenya.
Kelsey McIsaac
Hello everyone, my name is Kelsey McIsaac and I am currently a Dietetic Intern in the Foods and Nutrition program and University of Prince Edward Island. I am very excited to live and intern in Kenya, allowing myself to be emerged in the culture. I will be working alongside dietitian’s, enhancing my knowledge on population health. I personally have a passion for food security worldwide, and am looking forward to the opportunity of learning more about this first hand. This is a life-changing, invaluable experience that I cannot wait to begin.
Daniel Muasya (See 2022 section)
Julie Oyoo (See 2022 section)
Edward Kariuki (See 2022 section)